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Trading Cards Quality Guideline

Michelle • Our AI members who help users solve their problems😉 Feel free to have a conversation with Michelle!2024-09-26

SNKRDUNK considers minor stains and scratches that may occur during the manufacturing process (which are often seen even in products purchased from authorized retail stores) to be within the range of individual differences of a new, genuine item and meet our guideline standards. Please see below for details on individual standards.

*The color of the images on the product page may appear slightly different from the actual product depending on factors such as the photographed conditions and so on.

Minor looseness, stains, or glue marks caused by rubbing of the shrink wrap are confirmed as possible occurrences during the manufacturing and transportation process and will meet the guideline standards.

Shrink wrap surfaces and seams can be torn or ripped when handling at an authorized retailer, so minor tears or rips will meet the guideline standards. Large tears or extensive rips will not meet the guideline standards.

Small fibers and substances may be mixed inside the shrink wrap during the manufacturing process and can be found even when the item is purchased from an authorized retailer and therefore will meet the guideline standards.

Items that have foreign substances inside the shrink wrap that are not mixed (used) in the manufacturing process will not meet the guideline standards.

*Items with shrink wrap are inspected and authenticated based on the condition of the shrink wrap and the box, so any contaminants inside the box are not subject to inspection.

Boxes with perforated lines may have small openings due to distortion or other external factors even if the shrink-wrap was not opened.

Since perforation may occur in the handling of the items by authorized dealers, if the condition of the shrink-wrap meets the guideline standards, the opening of the perforation lines will also meet the guideline standards.

For items that have been manufactured for a certain period of time, changes in the item's condition due to aging are expected, even if the item is new and unopened.

Yellowing, stains, and color migration due to aging will meet the guideline standards.

The following items do not meet the guideline standards.

  • Items that have had their shrink wrap removed.

  • Items with shrink wrap that is not in the same condition as when it was in primary distribution.

  • Item with extensive stains on the shrink warp.

Distortion of boxes that may occur during handling (display, sale, packaging, etc.) or storage at authorized retailers, or minor dents/crushing of boxes that may occur during normal domestic transportation, will meet the guideline standards. If a box is found to be creased, severely damaged, or defaced, it will not meet the guideline standards.

Minor peeling or tearing that may occur during manufacture and item handling (display, sale, packaging, etc.) at authorized retailers will meet the guideline standards.

Extensive surface peeling or large tears that reveal the interior of the box will not meet the guideline standards.

Any tears or rips in the box opening that could not have occurred when the product was handled (displayed, sold, packed, etc.) at an authorized retailer will not meet the guideline standards.

For items that have been manufactured for a certain period of time, changes in the item's condition due to aging are expected, even if the item is new and unopened.

Yellowing, stains, and color migration due to aging will meet the guideline standards.

Items that have not been shrink-wrapped from the manufacturing stage may only be listed if they are in unopened condition. However, please understand in advance that such boxes will be opened at the time of inspection to check the number of packs contained in the box.

If the condition of the item is such that it can be determined that the box has been opened, as listed below, we will deem that the item does not meet our guideline standards and the transaction will be immediately cancelled.

  • There are traces of the original tape having been removed.

  • The original tape has been cut off.

  • The tape is different from the original tape.

  • The original tape is missing.

  • Other signs that the box has been opened.

*Some boxed items will be inspected by opening all individual items in order to check the number of packs and the inside of each box. We ask for your understanding in advance.

*Please note that if you are listing boxed items that are not originally shrink-wrapped, they should be listed as packs, not as boxes, even if they were purchased on SNKRDUNK.

For items that are not originally shrink-wrapped, we cannot guarantee the rarity inclusion rate of the cards because we cannot guarantee that the item is unopened even after the above checks have been completed.

Products annotated as "No guarantee that the box is unopened or the rarity of the cards due to the nature of the box" in the product image are eligible.

Wrinkles and air bubbles may occur when applying the tape.

This is a common occurrence even in items purchased from authorized retailers and is due to the manufacturing and sales process and environmental factors (moisture, etc.), and therefore these conditions will meet the guideline standards.

If the tape adhesive has fingerprint marks or stains that appear to be the result of reattachment, it will not meet the guideline standards.

Tape that has been folded over on itself, making it look like the item has been opened, will not meet our guideline standards. However, instances of creases or folding over of tape that can be found at the time of primary distribution will meet our guideline standards.

If the attached tape is in a different material from that of the manufacturer or authorized retailer (cellophane tape, gummed tape, etc.), it will not meet the guideline standards.

Small holes (including air holes) and minor scuffs that occur during the manufacturing process will meet the guideline standards, as these can be confirmed even when the item is purchased from an authorized retailer.

*Due to the peculiar nature of these items and of our listing rules, we are not able to guarantee the rarity of the cards found inside the packs, regardless of the number of packs included in the purchased set.

*If you wish to encounter the same rare card inclusion rate as the one guaranteed for boxed items, please consider purchasing trading card boxes instead of loose packs.

There are some packs with minor peeling in the compression area.

This is a common occurrence even in items purchased from authorized retailers and is due to the manufacturing and sales process and environmental factors (moisture, etc.), and therefore these conditions will meet the guideline standards.

Packs with large peeling on the compression area, which could not have occurred during item handling (display, sale, packaging, etc.) at an authorized retailer, will not meet the guideline standards.

Minor scratches or manufacturing marks that may occur during manufacturing or handling (display, sale, packaging, etc.) at authorized retailers will meet the guideline standards.

Any major scratches or stains that could not have occurred during the above-mentioned processes will not meet the guideline standards.

Items with large holes that are different from air holes (holes from manufacturing) or large tears in the pack will not meet the guideline standards.

Items that show signs of having been opened or that have even partial tears in the package will not meet the guideline standards, as the contents (cards) can be switched out.

The following examples are cases in which similar conditions can be found in a large number of individuals, which may be judged as individual differences due to the characteristics of the product and materials at the time of manufacture, transportation, and sale, and may be considered to meet the guideline standards.

  • Loose shrink wrap (including resale items).

  • Material differs from the first edition.

  • Barcode (tag) is directly attached to the product.

  • Marking on the shrink warp made by magic marker.

  • The product has the retailer's warranty stamp on it.