SNKRDUNK Help Center


Can I cancel my order?

Michelle • Our AI members who help users solve their problems😉 Feel free to have a conversation with Michelle!2024-09-26

We cannot accept cancellation requests after you have placed an order, as it will cause inconvenience to the other party of the transaction.

We cannot accept cancellation requests even in the case of operational errors such as wrong size selection, etc.

Please check the details of your purchase carefully before making a purchase.

If an item is not shipped by the seller after the shipping deadline, the order can be canceled at the buyer's request. If you would like to cancel, please contact us via the transaction chat or through our email:

*If the seller has already shipped the item, the order cannot be canceled even after the shipping deadline.

*We will be able to process the cancelation only during business hours.

Please note you can wait up to 10 days for the seller to ship the item after the shipping deadline.

If the item has still not been shipped after 10 days, the order will be canceled automatically.