SNKRDUNK Help Center


How to buy from SNKRDUNK

FAQs for how to buy.

How to buy from SNKRDUNK?

How to buy from SNKRDUNK?

Tap "US $◯◯~ Buy NOW" on the bottom of the item page to proceed to the size selection screen and purchase the item. You can purchase the item at the lowest asking price. However, you cannot bid on the price. If you wish to use a coupon, please make sure to select it at the time of purchase. Coupons cannot be applied after the transaction has started. More details are provided below. 1. Select "US $〇〇~ Buy NOW”; 2. Select your size; 3. Enter your address and payment method information (credit car
Which currency can I choose when buying an item?

Which currency can I choose when buying an item?

USD, SGD, AUD, NZD and JPY are the currencies currently available on SNKRDUNK. Follow the steps below to choose your preferred currency: 1. Log in > Account 2. Tap/click on “Currency” 3. Select your preferred currency 4. Tap/click on “Save”. NOTE: You cannot change the currency once you have placed an order. If you pay in a currency other than the above currencies through a credit/debit card, the payment amount will be based on the exchange rate at the time when the transaction begins. For detai
How can I find the item I want?

How can I find the item I want?

Market Select a category at the top of the "Market" page to see trending items and new releases for that category. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see items by brand or item category. Search You can search by model number (style code), item name, or brand name of sneakers. In the case of sneakers, we recommend you to search by model number (style code). Make sure to include in the search box any eventual "-" included in the model number when searching for a specific item. - Example: CW2
Can I buy from my country?

Can I buy from my country?

Our service is currently available in the following countries: - Singapore - Malaysia - New Zealand - Australia - Brunei - Taiwan - Hong Kong - Macau - South Korea - United States - Canada - India - Indonesia - China - Philippines - Japan We hope to expand the number countries in which we operate in the near future, so please keep an eye on our homepage for updates! We hope you will consider buying on SNKRDUNK.
I can't find the item I want to buy.

I can't find the item I want to buy.

If you cannot find the item you want to buy on SNKRDUNK, it is possible that the item has not yet been added to our database by us. If there is an item you want to be added, kindly note that you can request the addition of a specific item to our product database by filling out the form linked below: :envelope_with_arrow:Link to form After sending the form, the department in charge will receive your request directly, and they will do their best to add the item you have requested to SNKRDUNK. Howe
How long does it take for an item to be delivered?

How long does it take for an item to be delivered?

It usually takes 5-15 days from the start of the transaction to the completion of delivery to the buyer. After the item arrives at our Authentication Center, we will authenticate the item within 4 days, and deliver it to the buyer within 2-5 days after the authentication is completed. The following number of days is an estimate of the time required for each phase of a transaction. - Time preparation for the seller to ship the item to our office: about 1-4 days - Item arriving at our office: abou
Can I cancel my order?

Can I cancel my order?

We cannot accept cancellation requests after you have placed an order, as it will cause inconvenience to the other party of the transaction. We cannot accept cancellation requests even in the case of operational errors such as wrong size selection, etc. Please check the details of your purchase carefully before making a purchase. Orders where the item is not shipped by the seller after the shipping deadline If an item is not shipped by the seller after the shipping deadline, the order can be can
What happens if the seller doesn’t ship an item?

What happens if the seller doesn’t ship an item?

To ensure a smooth transaction, we ask sellers to ship their items before the shipping deadline. In the unlikely event that the item is not shipped by the seller after the shipping deadline, the order can be canceled at the buyer's request. If the shipping deadline has passed and you are in a hurry, please consider re-purchasing the item after canceling the order. *If the seller has already shipped the item, the order cannot be canceled even after the shipping deadline. *We will be able to proce
Can SNKRDUNK issue a receipt?

Can SNKRDUNK issue a receipt?

Since we provide a service platform for buying and selling items between individuals, we do not issue receipts. Please be assured that our office will prepare the invoices required by customs at the time of delivery arrangements. *A credit card statement may be substituted for a receipt. Please contact your credit card company for assistance.
I want to check the condition of the trading cards I purchased in advance.

I want to check the condition of the trading cards I purchased in advance.

SNKRDUNK will authenticate and inspect all brand new trading cards to ensure that they are genuine and unopened, and only items that meet our standards for authentication and inspection will be delivered to buyers. Please refer to the following for the details of the authentication and inspection of boxed and packaged items. 【Boxed items (shrink-wrapped)】 We mainly check the condition of the box and shrink wrap, and for items that come with a shrink wrap, we also inspect whether the item is unop
Can I make a price offer?

Can I make a price offer?

Users of the international version of the SNKRDUNK app are currently unable to make price offers on items on our platform. We are working on introducing this function in the future though, and it will become available on the app once it is released.