Customer Help Center

Does SOUNDRAW work with lyrics?

The short answer is: no. While we understand that lyrics would be a great asset to SOUNDRAW, we have no estimated timeframe for the release of such a function on our platform. All tunes and songs generated by our AI are exclusively instrumental and, if there is any vocal content, no lyrics are provided.  If you wish to add lyrics to a SOUNDRAW track, we recommend downloading the instrumental piece from our website and, in a different software, sing or add the lyrics to the song. 

Also, we would be happy if you could provide your feedback or request regarding lyrics since your request or question is always helpful for us to improve our products.

You can email your thoughts to or you can leave the comments regarding the question below:

  1. Do you need lyrics that AI made?

  2. Do you need lyrics that you made and let SOUNDRAW AI sing?

  3. Do you need a feature that you want to upload your original lyrics to SOUNDRAW beats?

  4. Something else (Can you please let us know your inquiry?)

Feel free to contact us! Looking forward to hearing your ideas!