Boxing Match
Fight to the death and become the champion.
Recommended number of players: 150 people or less (Maximum recommended number of players: 200 people or less)
Recommended map size: 50 x 50 tiles
Caution : Maps larger than the recommended map size may experience more lag..
Press Z to throw punches at another player.
Each players’ HP blocks are displayed above their avatar during the match.
When all HP blocks are lost, that player is eliminated.
A death zone barricade surrounding the arena field will increase over time and reduce the safe zone to push combatants together.
The last surviving boxer wins the match.
For team matches, the participants will be divided into two teams and allies inflict no damage to each other. The winning team's MVP title is given to the boxer that knocked out the most boxers.
Boxing Match is easy to play and a great game for when you need a single winner.