ZEP Customer Support



Space Owner, Admin, Staff etc Event Host

ZEP currently uses spatial audio and video sharing, which means that audio and visual communication is only available when users’ avatars are located near each other. If you want to maintain audio and video regardless of location, you can turn on the spotlight function for all users.

There is no limit. However, if too many people have Spotlight, performance issues may occur.

If possible, avoid giving more than 30 people Spotlight at the same time.

You can share your face and voice while using screen share. A new box showing your screen will be added for other users to see and your face and voice will continue to be displayed in the original box.

If you use [Share My Screen & System Audio], you can send your own audio from the microphone and the system audio at the same time.

In ZEP, channels are divided into units of 500 people per Space.

This is where the difference between a map and a Space becomes important, as the 501st user is moved to CH2 and no matter which map they go to, they will not encounter the users on CH1.

Users with admin permissions are transmitted to all channels.

Only the shared screen, avatar, video, and voice of admin can be seen on all channels.

If more than 500 users are participating, the admin should use the spotlight function in order to conduct the event.

Yes. With the exception of users with admin permission, chat can only be viewed by those in the same channel.

Users can move to another channel by using the channel list on the left side of the screen.

Yes, it is possible. Please check the URL by accessing each map!

If an entrance map is set, even if you enter the link for each map, you will always be connected to the entrance map only.

If you want to set it so that you enter the map that matches the URL, please turn off "Always Start at Entry Map" in [Sidebar] > [Settings] > [Host] > [Space Settings] > [Basic Settings].

I want to change the entry map.

If you're a Space host, you can change the entry map at the following path.

Change it in the sidebar [Settings] > [Host] > [Basic Settings] > [Entry Settings] > [Entry Map]

Deleting a space can be done through the following path

Space Host Login > Enter the Space > [Settings] > [Space Settings] > [Security Settings] > Delete Space

Transfer of Space ownership is not possible.

Please use the necessary features through Space Admin registration.

You can give permission to a member of the Space through the path below.

Please refer to the (User Permissions Page) for guidance on permissions.

[Space Sidebar] > [Settings] > [Host] > [Member Permissions] > Enter the email to grant permissions and invite

Accounts with an initial login record on ZEP may be granted permissions.