Please search for ZEP QUIZ in the Google Workspace Marketplace and install it.
Go to My Classroom > Assignments, and create an [assignment].
If you have downloaded the ZEP QUIZ app, the ZEP QUIZ feature will be created in the 'Add-Ons' section of the task creation screen.
Click on the app and sign in with Google
You need to log in with the same account you use for Google Classroom to properly access the assignments.
If you logged in with a different account, you can log out by clicking the profile on the upper right after logging into ZEP QUIZ.
This is the main screen of ZEP QUIZ for Google Classroom. You can choose from the quizzes you made or use quizzes made by other teachers. If there isn't a quiz you want, you can create a new quiz.
If there is a quiz that you created, you can assign it as an assignment.
Browse through quizzes made by other teachers, and if there's one you like, copy and use it. After copying a quiz, a button will be activated on the following quiz detail page that allows you to assign the quiz as a task. The copied quiz will also be added to your 'My Quiz' list.
You can create new quizzes for free. Please check the quiz creation guide.
To use a Pro-exclusive map or utilize QUIZ AI, you need the ZEP QUIZ Pro plan.
Currently, we provide a free 2-week trial of the Pro Plan upon registration. For more detailed information about the Pro Plan, please refer to here.
When you add a quiz to an assignment, the title of the assignment is automatically changed to the title of the quiz. In this state, you can create the assignment immediately and assign it to students attending the class.
You can check the assignments submitted by students. Check which student has handed in the assignment.
When a student solves and submits a quiz assignment, the results are recorded. The teacher can refer to these results when grading and returning results to the students.
When a student connects to the classroom, they can check the assignments uploaded by the teacher.
Please click the ZEP QUIZ link attached to the assignment to access it.
For accurate record-keeping, students should log in using the account registered in Google Classroom.
Although signing in is not required to participate in ZEP QUIZ, students must sign in to solve the quiz and save results via Google Classroom.
Connect to the quiz room and have fun solving the quizzes created by the teacher.
Once you have solved all the questions, please click the [Turn in] button at the top right of the screen to submit your assignment to your teacher. You can modify or cancel your assignment after submission.