User Guide


Access Control

Manage your data safely and your team members flexibly by assigning different roles and permissions. From user chats to channel settings, you can give access to your team members according to their roles.

Each manager is assigned to one role, and the role consists of different accesses.

  • Role

    • By default, all managers are given at least one role.

    • You can create up to 20 roles per channel. There are two roles (Owner and Basic) provided by default and you can create custom roles by setting different accesses.

  • Access (You can set access rights for each of the five sections.)

    • Team Chat

    • Inbox

    • Customer Information / CRM

    • Add-ons

    • Operator Seat Settings

    • Channel Settings

When you create a channel, two roles (owner and basic role) are automatically created. You can also combine different accesses to create custom roles.

  • Owner role - A channel must have at least 1 owner. The owner has full control over all settings in the channel.

    • Unique rights for Owner role:

      • Deleting a channel

      • Deleting manager(s)

      • Modifying the manager's role and role settings

      • Managing team settings

  • Basic role - This is a role that is granted by default when you are invited to the channel.

  • All groups

    • Access to participate in all public group chats.

    • Access to create a new group chat.

  • Participate in ‘All’ or invited group chats only

    • You can participate in the 'All' group that you joined by default.

    • Access to participate in groups you are invited in by other managers.

    • No access to create a new group chat.

  • Access to all conversations

    • Access to view and participate in all chats.

  • Followed or assigned chats

    • You can only view and participate in chats where you are assigned as an assignee or follower.

    • No access to view the ‘Unassigned chats’ (chat auto-assignment will still work for unassigned chats).

    • Access to view customer information for assigned or followed chats, but no access to modify or download customer information.

You can view, edit, or delete customer information according to the access granted.

Even if you do not have full access to the customer information and CRM, you can still view customer profile information in the user chats you are participating in as an assignee or follower.

Anyone can view the Add-on tabs(Operation, Support bot, Marketing), but settings and publishing are restricted depending on the access they are granted.

You can grant permissions to turn Operator seats on and off. Depending on the permission given, you can turn on and off operator seats for all managers in the channel or just your own. Managers with permissions set to None can't turn on or off their own Operator seats.

Only roles that have access to the channel settings can view or change the settings. If you have access to the data download, you can download all data from Channel Talk.

  1. Go to [Channel Settings] - [Teammates] - [Role] - [+ Add Roles] and click the “Add roles” button.

  2. Set role name and grant access.

You can modify the role name and access at any time.

  • [Channel Settings] - [Teammates] - [Role] - [Select the role you want to edit]

The role assigned to each manager can also be changed at any time.

  • [Channel Settings] - [Teammates] - [Manager] - click [Edit Button].

  • In-house Customer Support role

    • Can participate in all group chats and all user chats.

    • Right to view and manage customer information & CRM, add-ons, and channel settings.

    • Full access ON

  • Outsourced Customer Support role

    • Can only participate in team chats they are invited to and can view user chats they are assigned to as an assignee or follower.

    • Does not have the right to view and manage customer information & CRM, add-ons, and channel settings.

    • Full access OFF

  • Marketing Manager role

    • Can participate in all group chats, but only has access to view user chats they are assigned to as an assignee or follower.

    • Can view customer contact information but has no access to edit or delete customer contact information.

    • Can set up and send marketing messages but does not have the access to view and manage the channel settings.

    • Partial access ON

How many roles can be created per channel?

You can create up to 20 roles per channel.

Is there any limit to the number of owners in the channel?

There’s no limit in assigning your team members to an owner role.

Is it possible to have no role assigned?

You must have at least one role assigned.

Can I change my role access by myself?

You cannot edit the access by yourself. You need to ask another manager who has owner access to change your role access.

What happens if the role access has been updated while I’m in the channel?

If the role access is updated, you will be moved into the channel list and will need to go to your channel again.

I do not have access to view customer contact information, but I can still see the customer information in the user chat that I’m handling now.

Even if you do not have access to view customer information from the CRM, you can still view the customer profile information of the chats you are participating in as an assignee or follower.