User Guide


GitHub Integration

The GitHub app enables you to integrate GitHub events with Channel Talk. Connect Team Chat and GitHub to enhance your team's collaboration.

The GitHub app enables you to integrate GitHub events with Channel Talk. Connect Team Chat and GitHub to enhance your team's collaboration.

  1. Send PR(Pull Request) and Issue Events

Send pull request (PR) and issue events from GitHub to Channel Talk Team Chat in real-time. You can receive instant notifications of code reviews and issue resolutions to collaborate efficiently.

  1. Send Release Events

Release events from GitHub can be sent to Channel Talk Team Chat in real-time. Receive notifications of new versions of software releases and updates to stay on top of projects and take action promptly.

  1. Install GitHub in App Store

Navigate to [Channel Settings] - [Integration] - [App Stoire] and download the GitHub app.

  1. Install GitHub

Please install GitHub through the link below.

Install GitHub

  1. Set GitHub Custom Properties

To connect GitHub events to Channel Talk’s Team Chat, you need to set the following three custom properties.

  • cht_channel_id

  • cht_group_id

  • cht_release_group_id

You can set the cht_group_id for each repository to customize which Team Chat groups receive PR and Issue notifications in Channel Talk. For release notifications, you can set cht_release_group_id per team to receive notifications in Team Chat.

You can check the channel ID and TeamChat ID values by viewing the URL of ChannelTalk through a browser.

  1. Set Channel Manager Profiles

In order to tag the manager name used in Channel Talk based on the username used in GitHub, you need to register the GitHub username in the manager profile. Please enter the GitHub username as the key value.

  • Data key: github-username

  • Value: your username on GitHub

Can I integrate events other than PR, Release, and Issue from GitHub?

Yes, only these 3 events are available for integration.

Can I disable notifications when a specific PR or Issue is created?

Notifications for events can only be set on a per-repository basis, so it is difficult to track specific PRs and issues individually.