User Guide


Channel Front

The first area that customers see when they click a chat button is called the 'Front'. Channel Front is divided into 3 tabs - Home, Messages, and Settings.

The first screen a customer sees when they click the Channel Talk button is called the Channel Front, which is divided into three tabs (Home tab / Chat room tab / Settings tab).

This is the screen where you can tell your customers more about your brand, including your brand's information, set up a greetings message, and to start a chat.

  • Home header contains the channel name and business hours.

A customer can start a chat conversation with you by clicking the [Start a chat] button.

  • If your response speed is set to either [Very responsive] or [Responsive], a manager profile icons will be shown under the Start a chat button. (→ Learn more about setting Response Speeds for your Channel)

  • If a customer has an ongoing conversation, they will see the recent chats first instead of the Start a chat button. This allows the customer to continue the conversation from the previous chat without leaving a duplicate inquiry.

  • Unread messages are also shown here.

If you have external apps integrated to your channel, you can initiate a chat with each external messenger by tapping the [Use Another Method].

  • Customers can choose the messenger platform they're most comfortable with, making it easy for them to contact you.

  • A maximum of three integrated messengers are displayed. If more than 3 different platforms are integrated, they will be hidden by the [More] button.

In the Messages, customers can see a list of previous conversations including closed and open ones. Marketing messages will be stored here as well. Clicking on a conversation will take customers to the chat and let them continue the conversation.

This is where customers can set their notification and marketing message preferences.

Depending on Follow up notification settings of your channel, customers will see different information on their settings in Home.

  • When Follow up notification is ON: the customer name and profile are shown

  • When Follow up notification is OFF: the channel name and profile are shown

Customers can change their preferences for marketing messages via SMS or email.

How do I know which manager will be displayed at the under of the "Start a chat" button?

2-3 manager profile icons are displayed if the Channel Response settings is set to "Very responsive" or "Responsive" . If there are more than 3 managers available, the top 2 will be shown if the manager is:

  • Using a personal profile for chat conversations

  • Receiving unassigned user chat notifications

  • Has a higher score on the operator leaderboard

Why does the header look different each time?

The header can be displayed in 3 different ways as follows:

  • 2 manager profiles + channel name

    • For general conversations through workflow, the manager profiles and the channel name are displayed. However, if there is only one manager available or the manager is responding through a channel profile, the channel profile image and channel name will be replaced.

  • The assigned manager's profile + Channel name

    • If the conversation has an assigned manager, the manager's profile and name will be displayed.

  • The channel profile + channel name

    • This may be the case if:

      • A conversation starts when you are away or when response speed is delayed

      • The assigned manager of the conversation uses their channel profile for live chat

      • There is only one manager available