User Guide


Space Settings

Let's take a look at some of the settings that are specific to spaces and websites.
  • Logo: Set a logo for your brand. We'll automatically load your channel profile image when you create a space, and you can edit it at any time. Your logo will be used for space listings, website favicons, and more.

  • Space name: This will be displayed in the space listing and website header.

  • Language: Add or change the language and it will be reflected throughout the space, including article and category names.

  • Default URL: This is the default URL that will be used if you publish the space as a website.

  • Website visibility: If set to ON, customers will be able to access your website through the specified URL. Your articles will be public, but customers won't be able to access them if your website publish status is OFF.

  • Custom domain: When you publish your website, you can set it to a domain of your choice.

  • Manage redirects: If you have an article you've been using, you can link its URL to an article created in Documents.

  • Set the OG tags for your website (the image, title, and description that will be displayed when your website is shared). If you don't set them, a default image with your space name and logo will be automatically generated and displayed.

  • Image extensions include jpg, jpeg, and png.

  • Please use an image ratio of 1.91:1 (1,200x630px recommended)

  • Set up a profile on your website that shows you as the author of articles. This is automatically populated as the channel's admin profile when you create a space and can be edited.

  • Your author profile can be customized for each space.

  • Please note that deleting a Space will permanently delete the articles within it, and the deleted data cannot be recovered.

  • Cover image: This is the image that appears in the header of your website and resizes based on the device your customers are using. Please upload an image that is at least 1,200x270px in size, and we only support jpg, jpeg, and png files.

  • Title: You can customize the text that appears at the top of your website.

  • Representative Content Title: Choose a featured content to be pinned at the bottom of the title area and customize the heading.

  • Theme color: Specify a theme color for buttons, text, and more. The channel's theme color is imported when you first create it and can be edited at any time.

  • Header Button Text/Link: If you want to create a button in the top right corner of your website, enter a text and link. Up to one button is supported.

  • Show article publication date and author: You can set the article publication date (the date you changed the article to public) and whether or not to show the author.