User Guide


Manager and Bot Settings

Streamline your company's organizational structure within Channel Talk by inviting team members, creating teams based on their roles, and facilitating effective communication. You can also set up bots for sending automated messages.

Through the share link, you can directly invite members to your channel, and check the list of members at any time! You can also edit the permissions of each team member.

Invitation links have an expiration date (30 days), once the invite time elapses, you will have to send a new link. Once the member joins your channel, you can delete the link manually by clicking the delete invitation link.

  • An Owner can directly invite a new member to the channel by the [Invite New Manager] button. You can invite your team members in three separate ways:

    • Direct URL invite

    • Email invite

Click the [Edit Notepad] button on the right side of the chosen team member and proceed with editing permissions or deleting members.

Now that you have invited all your team members onto your channel, it's time to now set them into their teams! Marketing, Sales, Design, any team you need you can make and add new team members! The team function is useful for both team chat and user chats to get the perfect conversations going.

Easily create a team and add team members by clicking [+ Add Team]. Teams can be made for whatever purpose you need! Individuals can belong to as many teams as they want, allowing team members to be included based on a project or team.

  1. Mentioning a team

    • When you need help from a specific team or have a notification to send a project you can just mention(@) that team! Much like individual mentions, the team mention will notify all those team members.

  2. Invite to Group chats

    • Set up a list of group chats that a team will need to participate in. If a team has a designated public group, when new members are added to the team, they are automatically invited to the public group. The automatic addition feature helps new team members get on-boarded quickly.

  3. Assign team to the user chat

    • Designate a responsible team to handle and resolve user chats, so everyone on the team will be notified for any new messages.

    • You can manually select the teams which will accept certain chats and also automate team assignments through chat automation rules and support bots.

Bots are used for all automatically sent messages from channels other than those sent by the manager. Edit what the bot says and how they look to personalize your brand.

  • To create a new bot, click “add bot”.

  • Once created, the bot name cannot be modified. If you want to edit the bot name, delete the existing bot and create a new bot.

Is there a limit on the number of teams to create?

You can create up to 100 teams in the channel. You can add 0 to 500 team managers to a team.

I deleted the bot but why is it still appearing?

If the bot is included in a chat automation rule, campaign, or support bot, our bot automatically recreates the bot and uses it, If you want to permanently delete a bot please check your rules in case you used it in certain spots, then create a new bot.