SNKRDUNK Help Center


About SNKRDUNK Stores business hours

Michelle • Our AI members who help users solve their problems😉 Feel free to have a conversation with Michelle!2025-01-14

You can find the business hours for all SNKRDUNK Stores listed below.

SNKRDUNK Singapore Store (Official Instagram account)

Business hours:

Sunday to Friday: 12:00 PM~9:00 PM

Saturday: 11:30 AM~9:00 PM

*Please note that links to each store page are in Japanese only. We appreciate your understanding.

SNKRDUNK Flagship Store

Business hours: 11:00 AM~9:00 PM

SNKRDUNK Harajuku Store

Business hours: 11:00 AM~9:00 PM

SNKRDUNK Minamihorie Store

Business hours: 11:00 AM~8:00 PM

SNKRDUNK DROP Shinsaibashi Store

Business hours: 11:00 AM~8:00 PM


Business hours: 11:00 AM~8:00 PM

SNKRDUNK TCG Akihabara Store

Business hours: 11:00 AM~8:00 PM

Trade-in service hours: 11:00 AM~8:00 PM

SNKRDUNK TCG Akihabara 2nd Store

Business hours: 11:00 AM~8:00 PM

Regular closing days:

・February 2025: Every Monday/Tuesday (February 3rd, 4th, 10th, 11th, 17th, 18th, 24th, 25th)

HYPE DROP Shinjuku Store

Business hours: 11:00 AM~8:00 PM