SNKRDUNK Help Center


Are customs duties and taxes (e.g. GST) included in the item price?

Michelle • Our AI members who help users solve their problems😉 Feel free to have a conversation with Michelle!2024-09-26

Customs duties and taxes are included in the total purchase price for the following countries:

  • United States

  • Singapore

  • Australia

  • New Zealand

*For Australia customers: GST is charged regardless of the payment amount

However, if you are located in one of the above countries and you are charged an additional amount for customs duties and/or taxes, please contact us as soon as possible.

For all other countries, customs duties and/or sales tax are not included in the total purchase price.

For this reason, depending on each country of purchase, sales tax and/or customs duties may apply after purchase. In such cases, customers are responsible for any additional fees, as stated in the purchase confirmation screen.

Customs duties and sale tax are paid either at the door when receiving your item or beforehand (you will be contacted by the shipping courier in this case).

Also, storage fees may be charged if an item is stored at the shipping courier’s facility over a period of time (e.g. customs clearance purposes).

Please note SNKRDUNK is not involved with these fees, as they occur on the FedEx and customs side.

Please contact FedEx for more information on this matter, or the public institutions in your country for details on the conditions and payment amount.

If you have purchased multiple items together in a cart order, please refer to the information about customs duties and taxes for cart orders here:

Do I have to pay Customs Duties on Cart Orders?

We thank you for your cooperation.