Customer Help Center

We're glad to have you on SOUNDRAW! If you're just getting started with our platform, here are some general tips to generate your first song list.


1. You can navigate to our Generate Music tab, where you can select the relevant tags in order to generate the music. First, we have Mood, which dictates the feelings you want your songs to convey.


2. After selecting one or more Moods, you can proceed to which Genre(s) you want the songs to have*. *This section is ever-growing, so if you don't find the genre you're looking for at the moment, chances are that our team is working hard to implement it! 


3. The next step is choosing a Theme. This can help you define the media you're using or the general purpose of the song. We have curated the Themes to help you find the perfect song for your media.


4. Also, don't forget to select some other options on the top part of the page, such as Length and Tempo


5. As you select tags, they will be displayed on the top part of the page, while a song list will be generated. You can adjust the tags as you go, and the song list will be regenerated to fit your chosen criteria.

In the image above, we selected "Happy" as Mood, "Beats" as Genre and "Travel" as Theme. We can add or remove tags and the song list shown will constantly change according to our selection. Pretty cool, right? 


6. But wait, there's more! You can also filter the instruments you want in your song too. Just select the ones you'd like included (or excluded) and the song list will adapt to your selection*. *Please keep in mind that some tag selections will automatically include or exclude instruments if they don't exist (or are mandatory) for your selection to work.  

Now that we have our song list, you can click anywhere on any of the generated tracks to open them up and listen to them. If you want to edit and/or modify the song, please go here.  Also, you can also check this video here for some showcasing of our new UI!