Channel Updates

[Advance Notice] Server Egress IP Addition and Termination of Non-HTTPS Protocol Support for Webhooks/Snippets


Hello, this is the Channel team.

If your channel is using Channel Talk webhooks or snippets, please share the following changes with your development team, review them, and take the necessary actions.

  • Change Date: Thursday, December 19, 2024

  • Changes:

1. Server Egress IP Addition

If you are receiving data via webhooks, snippets, etc., through Channel Talk services, please allow all newly added IPs in your firewall settings. If these IPs are not allowed, webhooks may fail, and data might not be received properly.

  • Existing IP: []

  • New IPs: [], [], []

2. Termination of Non-HTTPS Protocol Support for Webhooks/Snippets

To enhance security, support for protocols other than HTTPS will be discontinued. Any webhooks or snippets not set to HTTPS will be marked as 'blocked' and will not be able to receive data properly. You can unblock them by updating the URLs to HTTPS.

If you have any questions about these changes, feel free to contact Channel Talk team.

Thank you.