Hello, this is the ZEP QUIZ Team.
To help more users experience the features of the ZEP QUIZ Pro Plan, we are hosting a special membership registration event.
Please find the details below.
Users who sign up or log in to ZEP QUIZ will automatically receive access to the Pro Plan without needing to complete any additional application process.
Before purchasing a group plan, you can explore all the convenient features of ZEP QUIZ with this free trial.
If you're wondering about the features of the Pro Plan, please refer to the information below.
Learn More About ZEP QUIZ Pro Plan
Please Note!
This event is available only to accounts that have never used the ZEP QUIZ Pro Plan free trial.
The benefit will apply to newly registered accounts or accounts that have never claimed the free trial after logging in.
The free trial benefit is granted on a ‘per-account’ basis.
If multiple accounts are created with the intention of abusing the event to gain multiple benefits, the offer may be suspended without prior notice.
The free trial period and benefits are non-negotiable and cannot be altered.
The event schedule may change or be discontinued without prior notice, depending on the company's circumstances.
After the free trial ends, if you wish to continue using the Pro Plan, you will need to purchase a plan via inquiry.
We do not require payment information during registration, and no charges will be made after the free trial ends unless you choose to purchase a plan.