Shopping FAQ


Shipping and Receiving Packages

Where does FASBEE ship to?

The countries and regions where FASBEE delivers are as follows: North America - United States - Canada - Guam - Mexico - Puerto Rico - Saipan - El Salvador - Honduras - Costa Rica - Panama South America - Argentina - Brazil - Chile - Colombia - Paraguay - Peru - Uruguay - Venezuela - Ecuador Europe - Andorra - Croatia - Hungary - Iceland - Liechtenstein - Monaco - Norway - Russia - Spain - Switzerland - Ukraine - North Macedonia - Belarus Asia - Azerbaijan - Bangladesh - Bhutan - Brunei - Cambod

When can I expect to receive my order?

Shipping Time Estimates: 1. In-Stock Items: Approximately 2-6 days 2. Back-Ordered Items: 1-2 weeks 3. Reserved Items: Shipped from the sale start date listed on the product page --- Notes: 1. Reserved and back-ordered items will be shipped upon arrival. Please be aware that this may take longer than expected. If an item arrives earlier than scheduled, it will be shipped out sooner. Also, estimated shipping dates may change or be delayed depending on the brand's circumstances. We appreciate your
When can I expect to receive my order?

About shipping method

Currently, FASBEE use EMS to ship all the packages except for following country/region. Customers cannot choose shipping methods. We kindly ask for your understanding.
About shipping method

How can I track my order?

We will provide you the shipping information of the package including the tracking number by email after the package has been shipped.You can check the delivery status by entering the tracking number included in the email using the tracking page below. EMS Notes - Tracking information may not be reflected depending on the destination country. In this case, you may contact your local car
How can I track my order?

When the package is possible to be held by local custom

Items may be retained at customs for the following reasons. The period of retention at the customs may vary depending on the country and goods. - Confirmation of the importability based on the contents, ingredients, and materials of goods at customs. - Time required for calculating customs duties. If your tracking information is not updated after 2 weeks, or if you have any questions about the customs regulations, please contact your local custom for information.
When the package is possible to be held by local custom

Can I assign the delivery time?

Currently, we do not offer the option to choose a specific delivery time for your orders. Delivery times are determined based on the delivery address. However, you can track your order's estimated delivery date through the tracking link provided in your order confirmation email.
Can I assign the delivery time?

What do I do if the order has not arrived or is lost in transit?

If you do not receive the item within 5 days after receiving the email notifying you that the item has been shipped, please contact us from the "Contact Us" section or chatbot. We will investigate at FASBEE once, and if the loss of the item has been confirmed that it is a miss delivery as a result of the investigation, we will refund the fee for the lost item.
What do I do if the order has not arrived or is lost in transit?