User Guide


Invite and Manage Teammates

Channel Talk does not charge based on the number of managers in a channel, allowing for unlimited team members to join at no extra cost.

How-to: [Channel settings] - [Teammates] - [Members] - [+Invite new manager]

When inviting new members to your channel you can set their status to either owner or member. Using the [invite link] there are a few other ways to invite new members to your channel:

  • Copy and paste the link

  • Email invite link

The same link can be used by multiple people, and once your team member has finally joined you can easily freeze the link so no one else can join. Invitation links have expiration dates(30 days), once the invite time elapses, you will have to resend a new link.

Managers with owner permission can modify the permissions of other managers in the channel.

  • How-to: [Channel settings] - [Teammates] - [Manager] - [+Edit manager role button]