User Guide


What is Support Bot?

Channel Talk Support bot is a powerful chatbot that enables rapid resolution of basic customer inquiries through a few clicks. Additionally, it allows initiating a conversation with customers upon their visit to your website, thus providing an opportunity to gather customer information.

You need to subscribe to the Support bot add-on to use this feature.

Support bot is a powerful chatbot function of Channel Talk that allows you to quickly resolve simple customer inquiries in a few clicks. You can also approach customers first when they visit your website and get customer information.

With the Support bot, you don't need to worry about the operating hours! The support bot acts as an online clerk available 24/7 to engage with your customers.

  • Refine a Support Bot that enables customers to navigate through multiple-choice responses, progressing through sequential steps to confirm a message.

  • Simplify your customer support process effortlessly by converting frequently asked questions into clickable buttons and pre-setting corresponding answers for each question.

  • Streamline repetitive inquiries with a support bot and focus on the inquiries that drive revenue.

  • You can create a support bot for your VIP loyal customers, or you can create separate support bots for specific pages (→ Learn how to set up a support bot).

Chatbot with Multiple Choice Questions

Reduce the required manpower resource for consultation by quickly answering simple inquiries. You can customize support bots and set up different support bots on different pages.

Example 1) Reduce repetitive inquiries

By placing buttons focusing on simple repeated inquiries located in the “Start Context” panel, customers can quickly get the answers to their inquiries.

Example 2. Recommend a product

Before recommending a product, you can set up questions to understand the customer’s preferences.

Example 3. Operating Hours

You can let users know your hours of operation to let them know there may be a delay in response when it's outside of your operating hours.

You can easily obtain customer information such as gender, preferred color, reservation information, etc. before starting a conversation without the member signup process.

Examples of using support bot forms

Example 1) When you need to schedule a customer appointment and consultation

  • Ask for the information you need right away, such as name, contact info, and what they're looking for.

Example 2) Get customer information for services that require a quote

  • Ask them important information for a consultation, such as the model they want, their budget, and when they're available to call.

When integrated with marketing features, this approach maximizes the effectiveness of your support bot by engaging with customers at optimal times, ensuring you capture the leads (potential clients) crucial for your business's success.

Examples of using outbounds support bots

Reach out to customers browsing your pricing page and capture qualified leads with your support bot form. Send them a comparative quote first and easily capture their name and contact information. Ask them what they're worried about and even arrange a meeting!

Example 1) Get required information for sales by targeting customers who are viewing the pricing page.

You can ask for the budget, specific product type, and send introductions and quotations.

Example 2) Get information by asking for customer information on the website for booking.

You can easily set a reservation date by asking for their name, desired consultation type, and desired date.

You can check the Support Bot performance in real-time. In step analysis, we provide statistics for each button and you can also download data in CSV format. ( → Learn more about Support Bot Analytics)

How is it different from other AI chatbots?

  • Channel Talk's support bot is a chatbot that operates based on a set scenario. You can design and create your own scenarios according to the conditions of your target client base.

  • To use AI chatbots, a sufficient database needs to be collected first and currently, AI technology is dependent on collected data. Using AI technology may not be the best option to use since you may encounter limitations. Therefore, we need a chatbot that clearly works according to the scenario, and our support bot will be the right choice!

  • The AI chatbot is coming soon, please stay tuned!