User Guide



Maximize chat operation efficiency by utilizing Channel Talk's chat analytics to identify areas for improvement and optimize performance.

Filter through specific metrics such as period, manager, follower, and tags. In addition, if you press the magnifying glass button you can get quick access to the chats which make up that dataset. Here are the available filtering options:

  • Assignee and Follower: You can filter and view managers who are participating in the chat as either assignee or follower.

  • Team: You can filter and view the team responsible for the chat.

  • Chat goal: You can filter and view whether or not the chat goal has been achieved.

  • Chat tag: You can filter and view the tags assigned to the chat.

  • Integration: You can filter and view chats received through external messengers, phone calls, and emails.

You can look over the response time for every incoming inquiry, you can further inspect the data by setting filter conditions.

Next to each statistic category, you can see the rate of change(ROC).

  • It shows the change in the statistic relative to the preceding time period as an arrow (⬆/⬇).

  • If there is no data in the preceding period, then the ROC is set as "-".

E.g.) If you are filtering your statistics for the month of April (2023.04.01 - 2023.04.30) then the ROC statistic will show you the change from the statistic compared from the preceding 30-day period (2023.03.01 - 2023.03.31)

Understanding graphs

  1. First response time (WaitingTime / OperationWaitingTime)

    • This is the statistic that measures the period of time from the user’s first message until the operator’s first response.

    • This metric is still measured if the operator sent the first message. In such a case, it measures the time between customer’s first message and the manager's follow-up message. In other words, it measures the time from a customer’s first message until the operator’s response after such a message

      • Equation: FirstRepliedAtAfterOpen - OpendedAt

      • OperationWaitingTime = FirstRepliedAtAfterOpen (During Operation time) - OpendedAt (During Operation time)

    • Example)

      • The Customer sends their first message at 1:03, and after the chat is opened the operator responds with their first message at 1:10.

        → First response time for this chat is 7 minutes

      • The Customer sends their first message at 9:22, but then sends a second message at 9:25 and the operator responds at 9:30.

        → First response time is 8 minutes (30-22)

      • The Operator sends a message at first to the chat room at 11:00, but the customer doesn't respond until 11:30. Then at 11:32, the operator responds back.

        → First response time is 2 minutes.

  2. Average Reply time (AvgReplyTime / OperationAvgReplyTime)

    • This metric measures the average reply time for chats for your team. It will measure the time between your customers' first response, and your manager’s last message, and then normalize it over the entire length of the chat room. In layman’s terms, it is the average response.

      • Equation: AvgReplyTime = TotalReplyTime / ReplyCount

      • OperationAvgReplyTime = OperationTotalReplyTime / OperationReplyCount

  1. Resolution Time (ResolutionTime / OperationResolutionTime)

    • Time from when a chat was opened until the time it closed.

      • ResolutionTime = ClosedAt - OpenedAt

      • OperationResolutionTime = ClosedAt (During Business Hours)- OpenedAt (During Business Hours)

One-stop Closing Rate

  • One-Stop Closing Rate is a metric used to measure how many chats only have one operator assigned as a manager.

  • Even if the assignee of the chat switches from A→B→A it is still considered one-stop closing because the same operator opened and closed the chat.

All of these statistics, except for first response time, use data from closed chat only. First response time uses Opened, snoozed, and closed chats as data.

View Options

  • Summary statistics: Median | Average

  • Time: All | Operating Hours only

  • Graph View: Timeseries | Distribution

Channel Talk gives you the ability to look at a breakdown of your statistics but only for your operating hours, being able to increase in-hour efficiency.

Operating hours are set hours in the day when your customer service is actively seeking inquiries. As such, the operating hour's statistic allows you to parse the data only occurring when your team is present.

  • Hours of operation are broken down by day: (00:00 - 23:59)

    • Example) If you have your office hours set from 9am - 12pm, and 1pm - 6pm:

      • If a new chat comes in at 10am and a manager responds at 11am → count towards your analytics 🟢

      • If a new chat comes in at 11am but a manager responds at 12:30pm → does not count towards operating hours analytics ❌

      • If a new chat comes in at 8am but a manager responds at 10am → does not count towards operating hours analytics

      • If a chat comes in at 11am but a manager responds at 3pm → count towards your analytics

      • Finally, if a chat comes in at 3pm but ends at 11am the next day → does not count towards operating hours analytics

  • If your operating hours changes while checking statistics, the operating hours will be applied to the data and the analytics may change depending on the operating hour's change.

    • Example) Let’s consider the case of operating hours for the month of June were 9am - 6pm for the first ten days of the month, then changed to 10am - 5pm for the remaining twenty days.

      • On June 9th, a new user chat is opened at 9:30am and on the same day a manager responds at 5:30pm → count towards your analytics

      • On June 12th, a new user chat is opened at 9:30am and a manager responds at 5:30pm → does not count towards operating hours analytics ❌

      (→Learn more about setting up Operating Hours)

Inflow is a metric measuring the total number of new chats, closed or opened chats, visitors, tags, pages, and other important filter metrics.

  1. Check the total number of visitors and chats within a given period

  • Visitors

    • This metric is the total number of Unique Visitors (UV) who visited the homepage or app who also opened your Channel lounge.

    • If the same customer visits multiple times a day then they will only count as one UV.

    • Except for Page Visitors, inquiries received from external messaging inquiries (Instagram) are also counted as one visitor.

  • Chats

    • This shows the total number of opened chats in a given period.

    • If a customer starts a conversation again in a closed chatroom, the conversation will be counted as a new chat with a different start date.

    • If the same customer opens multiple chatrooms, each chatroom counts as a separate chat.

  1. Check the distribution of opened/closed chats that occurred over a set period of time and date

  • Opened

    • Sum of all new chats during a period of time

  • Closed

    • Sum of all closed chats during a period of time

The number of chats is also color-coded, with the darkness of the color shade implying a large number of chats.

Parse your chat inflow by tags, pages, and route

  • Chat Tags

    • Under the Chat Tags statistic, you can measure which tags are inquiring and opening chats and their ratio compared to other tags.

    • You can also break down certain tags into their subtags (such as if you had a “US” tag and then multiple subtags of “northeast, southeast, midwest, south, west, and northwest” for each region).

    • Chats without any tags also are included in this statistic.

  • Page

    • You can check from which pages on your website chats come in the most frequently.

      • For example, if someone opens the chat on the homepage it will count towards a homepage chat. Even if a customer moves to a different page and reopens their chat window, it will still count towards the original home page statistics.

    • There is no page information provided if the chat is opened via:

      • Support bot that is attached to a marketing campaign

      • External messengers(Instagram, Line, etc.)

  • Routes

    • During the set period, this statistic breaks down from which method chats come. For example, it breaks it down into support bots, marketing campaigns, and external messengers.

    • If multiple campaigns, support bots, or on-time marketing paths are running concurrently, they will be aggregated into general categories of “support bot, campaign, or one time message.

    • If an operator first starts a chat by opening a new user chat, or through a plug-in link, it will be shown as “other”.

  • Trend

    • This shows the trends of each category over a selected period of time.

Performance is a leaderboard for your team. It allocates a score to each operator based on a number of factors such as:

  • Number of chats assigned/closed

  • One-Stop Closing Rate

  • First Response Time

  • and Resolution Time.

Moreover, you can check the processing status of all the assigned chats to an operator (opened, snoozed, closed).

  • Operator Leaderboard

    • The leaderboard is a calculated score of multiple operator-specific variables. The leaderboard score is based on how efficiently each operator handled all of their chats, such as first response time, one-stop closing rate, and resolution time. As the number of assigned chats goes up, the more weight the operator’s score has on the leaderboard.

    • The leaderboard shows operators who have had at least one chat during the selected time period.

  • Chat Status

    • You can also parse the data into business hours, and also summary statistics such as average score and median score.

    • The graph shows the number of new chats over the selected time period (horizontal axis) whereas the vertical axis shows the number of chats. Color represents the status of the chats.

    • If all open chats are closed the day previous, and there are no new chats incoming, then the graph will show zero for your current day.

    • You can monitor the trends and status of your chats, and you can make sure that no chats are left to fall between the cracks. (→ Learn more about chat status)