User Guide


Chat Goals

By setting a chat goal, you can track progress and evaluate whether the assignee has successfully achieved the established goal.

Chat Goal Settings

You can set one chat goal per channel

  1. Go to [Operation] - [Chat Goals] - click [+Add goal].

  2. After setting the period and event you want to track and click [Save].

    • Set the time period

      • The goal achievement is evaluated based on events that occur within the predetermined timeframe, which starts from the manager's initial reply to the customer's message.

      • You have the option to select a time frame of 1, 3, 7, 15, or 30 days. Events that happen outside of the selected time frame will be regarded as unachieved goals.

    • Select the event you want to achieve

You can check the chat goal status of each user chat on the right side panel of the inbox.

  • None: The chat goal has not yet been set.

  • In process: The manager hasn't sent the first reply to the customer's message yet.

  • Missed goal: The set chat goal was not achieved.

  • Achieved: The chat goal was achieved within the set time period.

Once the chat goal is achieved, the status will be updated to [achieved] status and will stay as such.

When a closed consultation is reopened and the manager responds to a new inquiry, a new goal is established if the original goal has changed. Upon achieving this new goal, the system displays both the achieved time and the updated goal.

To review goal achievement status within a specific period, use [Chat Analytics] to track progress by date or contact manager. For additional details, refer to Chat Analytics.

  • You can check the goal achievement rate for each member.

    • Goal achievement rate calculation formula: Number of user chats that achieved goals / Number of chats that ended

  • You can check the status of goal achievement by date in real-time. (Will be added on June’s product update)

(Do you want to see the how your managers are doing? View it in the Operator Leaderboard!)

The goal achievement rate is calculated as the number of user chats where the goal was met / the number of closed chats.

What happens if I change my chat goal in the halfway through? What will the goal of the closed chat be measured against?

The chat goal will be evaluated at the time of the manager's first response to the customer's message. If the chat is resumed with a new inquiry, it will be reassessed with the updated chat goal.

How do I track goals when a closed chat is reopened?

  • When a closed chat’s goal status was [Achieved] and the chat is reopened:

    • If the goal setting hasn’t been changed - Since the goal has already been achieved, the chat goal is displayed as achieved.

    • If the goal setting has been changed - A new inquiry from the customer will be assessed against the goal set at the time the manager responds.

  • If the chat goal is not achieved and the chat is reopened, the goal will be assessed again from the time the manager responds to the customer inquiry.

I don't see the Chat Goal feature in my inbox.

You must subscribe to the operation add-on for the chat goal function to be applied. You can set still a goal without a subscription, but it will not be tracked unless you subscribe to the operation add-on.

What will happen if a manager opens up a new user chat?

When a new user chat is opened, goal measurement starts with the manager's reply after the customer leaves their first response to the message sent.