You can create a new article through the following 3 ways:
[Documents] - [Article] - click [+Write an article] in the top right corner
Click [Documents] - [Articles] - bottom left sidebar [+shape icon]
[Document] - [Article] - click 'Categories' in the left sidebar to the right [+ sign] - click [Create an article]
Version Name: Edit the version name of your article.
Author: Specify the author to display on your website.
History: Manage versioning for your article. Learn more about versioning in this article.
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SEO Settings: Set OG tags for the current article.
SEO information is managed per version.
If no information is specified, images are labeled with the featured image, titles with the article title, and descriptions with the subheading or body.
Duplicate: Duplicate the current article in draft state.
Move: Move the article to a desired location.
Delete Article: Permanently delete the article; this action cannot be undone.
Save: Automatically saves each time you make a new entry.
Publish: Publishing changes the article to a 'public' status makes the article accessible to customers if your website is 'public'.
Featured Image: If you've set a featured image, it will be used as the thumbnail. Otherwise, an automatically generated image will be used.
Image size: 700 x 366 pixels minimum
Supported file formats: JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF
Image ratio: 1.91:1
Title: Required for publishing the article.
Subheading: Optional.
Article Publication Date and Author: To hide the publication date and author information on your articles, disable "Show article publication date and author" in [Document] > [Space settings] > [Styling] > [Common].
After enabling text entry, you can select the block using the command menu by pressing /.
Markdown-formatted documents (including Notion) can be copied and pasted.
Default Blocks
Name | Description |
Normal Text | This is the most common text type. |
Heading 1 | This is the largest size of heading. Shortcut: |
Heading 2 | This is a medium-sized heading. Shortcut: |
Heading 3 | This is a small-sized heading. Shortcut: |
Bullet List | This is an unordered list. Shortcut: |
Numbered list | This is an ordered list. Shortcut: |
Quote | This is a block for displaying a quote. |
Callout | This is a block in the form of a box where you can display notes, tips, warnings, etc. You can customize it with emojis you like. Shortcut: |
Code Snippet | This is a block used to display code. You can also specify the programming language. |
Divider | This is a block used to separate content. Shortcut: |
Table | This is a block used to create tables. |
Basic Styling
Name | Description |
Bold | You can bold a text. Shortcut: or |
Italic | You can slant a text. Shortcut: |
Underline | You can underline a text. Shortcut: |
Strikethrough | You can strike through a text. Shortcut: |
Code | You can show code in your text. Shortcut: |
Color | You can colorize your text. Recently used colors are available for use. Shortcut: |
Name | Description |
Image | Uploaded images can be up to 32MB in size, and image extensions include JPG, JPEG, PNG, and GIF. Images are uploaded to fit the width of the article (Resizing support will be available in the future.). |
Video | You can upload YouTube content or video files directly, they will be resized to fit the article width. Videos are uploaded to fit the width of the article. (Resizing support will be available in the future.) |
File | The file upload size limit is 32MB. |
Hyperlink | You can bookmark web pages in a bookmark format. |
Embed | You can register and display external content directly in your document as a link or file (PDF). |