You can review the outbound message history via SMS/LMS, emails, and Kakao Info-talk from Follow-up notifications and marketing.
Filter by date: see the sending log by month
Filter by condition:
All: all sends made to Channel Talk in the current month
Marketing - Campaign: the sending log by a specific campaign
Marketing - One-time: the sending log by a specific one-time message
Number of sends: the total number of sends that meet the filtering criteria and the costs per medium
Sending log by date: Click on a date to see the detailed log for that date
Type: shows what functions sent the messages (e.g. marketing campaign, Follow-up notification)
Status: shows whether messages were sent or not. You can see the failure reason by hovering over the question mark on the right.
Delivery: shows the delivery method. It can be SMS, LMS, email, or Kakao.
Contact Info: a recipient’s email or mobile number
Post log is available up to 1 year(365 days).
The monthly amount shown is the amount used in the month you review (from the 1st to the end day of the month) which may be different from the amount used during the billing period.