Log in to LINE Developers, or create an account if you don't have one.
Line official account registration is required for integration.
Click the [Create] button to create a provider. Enter a Provider Name. Special characters are not allowed.
Please create a [Messaging API channel]. Only one LINE Channel can be connected to one Channel Talk channel for proper operation.
The following four pieces of information is required to connect ChannelTalk.
Channel ID
Channel secret
Bot basic ID
Channel access token (long-lived)
Connect to your LINE Channel
Enter your Channel ID, Channel Secret in [Basic Settings]
Check your Bot Basic ID, Channel access token (long-lived) in [Messaging API]
Navigate to [Channel Settings] - [Integration] - [Messenger] - [Line] and click [Integrate]
Enter the following 4 information found in LINE Channel and select your language.
Channel ID
Channel Secret
Access token (long-lived)
Bot Basic ID
Language: Automated messages, such as out-of-office messages, are sent to your customers based on the language that you select.
Copy the webhook url you see on the Channel Talk screen.
Navigate to [Messaging API] - [Webhook settings] and paste your webhook link to the LINE webhook settings
Click [LINE Official Account Manager] on the [Basic settings] menu tab to access it.
Set up [Settings] - [Answer settings] as below, and the integration is complete.
Chat: Off
Webhooks: On
Auto-response messages: Off
Can I still use LINE chat mode after integrating with Channel Talk?
LINE Official Account Manager's chat mode will be deactivated after integration with Channel Talk.
It is difficult to retrieve previous chat data, and the integration will be disconnected if you activate the chat mode.
I've integrated, but messages aren't coming through to Channel Talk.
Please check the following 2 situations:
If you connected with a Bot Basic ID and later signed up for a Premium ID, or if any of the items below have changed, you need to disconnect and reconnect to make it work correctly.
LINE Channel ID
LINE Channel Secret
Access Secret (long-lived)
Bot Basic ID (or Premium ID)
If you change the LINE Channel that is linked to Channel Talk to another LINE Channel, you must disconnect and reconnect it for normal operation.
Will my manager's profile icon be displayed on LINE?
For external messengers like LINE, the manager profile set in Channel Talk will not be applied. You can only respond with the channel profile.
I can't send messages.
Messages over 2,000 characters will not be sent.
Messages aren't coming in.
Line has a limited number of free messages available for each Line plan you have.
If you have exhausted your free messages, your message may fail to send, or you may incur additional charges for sending additional messages.
Why can't I see the names of the customers who came through Line (they look random)?
This is because we haven't integrated their information. If they are already in our customer database, we can integrate their information (→ Learn more about integration).