You can create categories only when you are using Documents in category view.
How-to: [Documents] - Side bar [Category → (+)] - [Add]
[Documents] - [More button next to the created category] - [Add category]
[Documents] - [Click the created category] - [Click the More button in the top right] - [Add category]
You can create up to 2 depths.
You can save and edit category names and descriptions at any time. If multiple languages are added to the space, you can enter translations for each language; otherwise, they will appear in the default language.
Category Name: Required. If not entered, the category cannot be made public. This also serves as the OG title.
Category Description: Optional. Used as the OG description.
Image: Optional. Used as the OG image.
Article and Category Placement: Added articles or categories appear at the bottom of the category title.
More Menu: When you hover over a category, a "More" menu appears on the right.
Translation Warning: A warning appears if the category name or article translation does not exist for the selected language.
You can check the publication status via the dot to the right of the category title.
Status Classification by Category Dot Color
Green: This is a category with a status of "Public" and will be visible on the website if it contains articles that are also "Public".
Yellow: This is a category with a status of "Private" and is not visible on the website.
Status Classification by Article Dot Color
Green: Indicates that one of the versions of the article has a "Public" status.
Yellow: Indicates that there is a version of the article with a "Private" status.
Gray: Indicates that the article version has only a "Draft" status.
You can move an article or category by simple drag + drop. For articles, you can also click 'More' and use the 'Reposition' menu.
You can hover over a category or article in the sidebar, or click on a category or article and select the More menu in the top right corner.
More Menu for a Category
Edit category information: Manage category details like name and description.
Change status: Set the category to 'public' or 'private.'
Add category: Create a new category under the selected one.
Import article: Add an existing article to the selected category.
Create new article: Add a new article to the selected category and the list of all articles.
Delete category:
If subcategories exist, they will be deleted and cannot be recovered.
If articles exist, they will be unlinked from the category but not deleted. They will still appear in the list of articles.
Article's More Menu
Duplicate article: Create a copy of the selected article.
Move position: Move the article directly to the desired location.
Remove from category: Unlink the article from the category without deleting it. It will remain in the list of articles.