Channel Talk offers calls for both customers and managers called meets, which are divided into audio, and video meets.
Meet Audio & Video
Communicate with customers via audio or video within the same consultation, without needing to issue a phone number.
Capabilities: Conduct audio and video meetings within an ongoing chat, ensuring continuous communication with the representative.
These interactions are categorized as chats, as they occur within the chat environment.
You can configure Meet to allow customers to initiate an audio meet with you.
How-to: Go to [Channel Settings] → [Meets] → [Voice, Video Meets].
Setup: Once configured, a button to start a meet will appear on the customer's chat screen.
Visibility: The meet button will only be visible if the chat is staffed. When a customer initiates a meet, the assigned staff member's device will ring.
Offline Customers: If the customer is offline, a link to the meet can be sent via a follow-up notification.
Check the connected camera, microphone and speaker in [Preference] - [Manager settings] - [Meet].
You can automatically mute your microphone when joining a meet.
You can also blur your background or reduce background noise (noise cancelation) during a meet.
Blurring background
Does not work on Safari or on Android devices
Supported for iOS 17 or higher
Reducing background noise
Currently does not work on the mobile app and will be supported in the future.
The Meet button appears on the chat screen under the following conditions:
When Meet Audio and Video are turned ON
How-to: [Channel Settings] - [Meet] - [Meet Audio/Video] ON
When the chat is assigned to an assignee
When the chat's input window is open
Accepting Meet Requests
Accepting a Meet: When it rings, press the blue check button to accept the voice meet.
Ring Duration: The ring will last for up to 120 seconds.
Ring Sound: The sound of the meet ring cannot be changed separately.
You can't send a meet in a chat opened with an external messenger, so the meet button is not exposed.
Initiate a Meet: While in a conversation with a customer, open a meet by pressing the [Meet] button.
Click [Meet] - [Video Meet] at the top of your inbox.
Notification for Customer Response
Online Customers: If the customer is online, they'll receive a ring notification.
Offline Customers: If the customer is offline, they'll receive a follow-up text
You can open a meet in a new chat by pressing the [Meet] button from the customer profile details screen.
Navigate to the customer's detailed profile screen.
Click [Meet].
Select [Video Meet].
Once a meet is converted to a video meet, it remains in the history as a video meet.
If you're in an audio meet with a customer and you activate the [Video] button or [Screen Share], it will transition to a video meet. Once converted, turning your video off will not revert it back to an audio meet.
Video: Click to activate the camera and switch to the video mode.
Screen Share: Click to open a window and select which screen to share, enabling you to share your screen with other meet participants.
If the customer came in via mobile web, screen sharing is not supported.
Tap the "Share screen" button to share either a specific window or your entire screen during a video meet. Please note that the appearance of the screen selection window may vary depending on the browser you are using.
The mobile app (iOS, Android) supports screen sharing during a meet without the need for additional permissions.
If you encounter a situation where screen sharing permission is required, a prompt will appear, guiding you to set the necessary permissions. Simply tap the [Settings] button to grant screen sharing permissions.
Web Browser
Windows allows screen sharing during a video meet with no additional permissions required.
Using Safari
In Safari, a screen sharing popup will always appear when initiating screen sharing. Simply tap "Allow" on the popup to begin screen sharing.
Using Chrome
Navigate to [System Settings] - [Privacy & Security] - [Screen & System Audio Recording] and grant screen recording access to the Google Chrome app.
Using Edge
Navigate to [System Settings] - [Privacy & Security] - [Screen & System Audio Recording] and grant screen recording access to the Edge app.
Desktop App
Windows allows screen sharing during a video meet with no additional permissions required.
Navigate to [System Settings] - [Privacy & Security] - [Screen & System Audio Recording] and grant screen recording access to the Channel Talk App.
You can also utilize video meets in chat rooms or direct messages in Team Chat. Simply click the [Meet] - [Video Meet] button at the top of Team Chat to organize a meeting between managers.
If you're having trouble using Meet after setting permissions, please refresh the app/page and try again.
Ensure that you have granted both camera and microphone permissions for video meets. Review the steps below to confirm that you've granted both microphone and camera permissions on your platform.
Click the [See more] button on the top right corner and click [Settings]
[Privacy and Security] - [Site Settings]
[Permissions] - [Microphone], [Camera]
Check whether you have enabled "Sites can ask to use your microphone" and "Sites can ask to use your camera" and ensure ( is not blocked.
Before using Meet Video, please grant microphone and camera permissions shown in the top left corner.
If the above settings don't work, please check if the microphone permission is not allowed for the Chrome app in your operating system (Windows/Mac) settings
Navigate to [Safari] - [Settings]
Ensure that microphone and camera access is allowed for under [Website] - [Microphone] and [Website] - [Camera]
iOS Web Browser
Go to [Settings] - [Browser App you use]
Example) Chrome
Navigate to [Settings] - [Chrome]
Please enable access to your microphone and camera, then return to Chrome.
Due to the nature of the Chrome app, changing the settings will terminate the existing meet, so please try the meet again.
Android Web Browser
Go to [Settings] - [Applications] - [Browser App you use] - [Permissions] - [Microphone],[Camera] and allow access.
After allowing access, go back to the Meet window and press the microphone button again, then click the [Allow] button in the popup to enable microphone use.
Windows Channel Talk App
Mac Channel Talk App
Navigate to [System Settings] - [Privacy & Security] - [Microphone], [Camera]
Grant Channel Talk access to your microphone and camera
iOS Channel Talk App
Navigate to [Settings] - [Channel Talk] and grant the app access to your microphone and camera.
Android Channel Talk App
Navigate to [Settings]-[Apps] and select Channel Talk
Allow access to your microphone and camera.
View the history of user chat Meets, and team Meets you've made with Channel Talk in the mobile app. Quickly find your last customer contacted or your favorite team member and give them a call!
Only supported through the Channel Talk mobile app.
When there is no meet history
If you don't have a meet history, you'll see a blank screen
If you have at least 3 customers who have chatted with you in user chat in the last 30 days and saved to [Inbox] - [My Sessions], you will see up to 10 suggested customers.
When you click on a recommended customer, you'll be directed to a Meet Audio
If you long-press on a recommended customer, you'll see the option to Audio or video meet.
Types of Records
Among the Meets where the ring rang for me, records of Meets where I am the 'person in charge' are kept.
The customer's name and the start time of the Meet are displayed.
If the Meet was conducted by a manager through an internal chat, a icon will be visible, and clicking it will not trigger the Meet again.
Meets that were invited by other managers but were not accepted will be labeled as ‘Invited by {Agent's Name}’.
Meet Audio
Incoming Meet Audio: Records of voice Meets where the customer called the manager.
Outgoing Meet Audio: Records of voice Meets where the manager called the customer.
Missed Meet Audio: Records of voice Meets initiated by the customer that were not answered by anyone.
Meet Video
Incoming Meet Video: Records of video Meets where the customer called the manager.
Outgoing Meet Video: Records of video Meets where the manager called the customer.
Missed Meet Video: Records of video Meets initiated by the customer that were not answered by anyone.
Records are kept for up to 6 months, and older records are deleted.
You can delete specific records by pressing and holding them.
To delete all records, go to [Top right `…` → Delete all call records → Delete].
You can initiate a Meet by pressing a Meet record. In this case, the Meet will connect using the method indicated in each record.
For missed Meets where [Call] has already been attempted, a popup saying “This missed call has already been handled” will appear, and clicking [Call] will connect to a new Meet.
Records with a lock icon , indicating they were conducted through internal conversation, cannot be clicked to initiate another Meet.
When There Are No Meet Records
If there are no Meet records, a blank screen is displayed.
If you have exchanged direct messages with at least three agents in the past 30 days, up to ten recommended agnets will be shown.
Clicking a recommended agent will initiate a voice Meet with that customer.
By pressing and holding a recommended customer, you will see options to choose betweena audio Meet, or a video Meet.
Team Meet Audio/Video
Incoming Meet Audio/Video: Records of audio/video Meets that I participated in.
Outgoing Meet Audio/Video: Records of audio/video Meets that I initiated.
Invited Meet Audio/Video: Records of audio/video Meets that I was invited to but did not join.
Records are kept for up to 6 months, and older records are deleted.
You can delete specific records by pressing and holding them.
To delete all records, go to [Top right `…` → Delete all call records → Delete].
Click the Meet icon at the bottom right → Search for a agent/chat room to initiate a Meet.
Chat room search results are sorted in the following order: Public Group Rooms > Private Group Rooms > Direct Messages, and then alphabetically.
Holding onto a Agent's name will give you the option of a Meet Audio/Video.
You can initiate a Meet by pressing a Meet record. The Meet will connect using the method indicated in each record.
For example, audio Meets will connect as audio Meets, and video Meets will connect as video Meets.
When you press a conversation room Meet record, if a Meet is already in progress in that conversation room, a popup will appear allowing you to choose to join.
Clicking the info icon next to a Meet record will take you to the Team Chat screen where that Meet occurred.
An error message saying 'Internal Meets cannot be returned' is displayed.
Meets conducted through internal conversations show a icon and cannot be re-initiated by clicking.