Prepay for 12 months of estimated usage
After the 12-month valid period, the prepaid usage will expire
Prepaid usage has its minimum and maximum monthly usage limit. You can only use it within the range of usage limits.
You can purchase additional usage as needed, either in multiple increments or all at once.
You can top-up your prepaid usage even during your free trial.
You can reserve the amount of prepaid charges to be used when the trial ends.
You can check and change your reserved prepaid charges in [Channel Settings] - [Billing] - [Subscription] - [Prepaid history].
Go to [Channel Settings] - [Billing] - [Prepaid Usage] and select basic seats, add-ons, or usage for integrations
Monthly Usage: Enter your estimated monthly usage to see the price of a 12-month prepaid cost.
Renewal: Your prepaid charge will be automatically renewed the day after the expiration date. Options to turn ON/OFF are available after the first payment.
Minimum/Maximum Monthly Usage Limits
Minimum limit: 50% of the monthly usage you prepaid
Even if there is no use in the current month, the minimum amount will be deducted from your prepaid usage
Maximum limit:
Required and add-on features can be used up to double the monthly usage
Usage for integrations can be used up to 12x the monthly usage
If you’ve used up your monthly usage for the current month, the usage from the next month will automatically utilized
Add to purchase list
You can see the quantity and amount you have added in the shopping list on the right
You can purchase the amount you have added by clicking the “Purchase” button
Full or partial refunds are not available if the prepaid usage is deducted due to actual use occurring.
You cannot purchase prepaid usage during a free plan or a 14-day free trial.
Prepaid usage has a limit for one-time purchase amount (9,999,999,999). Please make multiple purchases if needed.
You cannot purchase more usage than the system limit of each plan. (→ Learn about Limit)
If you set a manual limit, you can use it by increasing the limit even if you have charged more than the limit you set.
If you want to use more MU, basic seats, and operator seats more than the usage that comes with your plan, you can add more usage.
You can add more usage for Support bot, automation rules, marketing messaging, and the white label feature.
White label: the white label add-on is for hiding ‘powered by Channel Talk’ to only emphasize the brand on the website. White label is only available for prepaid.
Usage for Integrations
You can prepay PU charges for sending texts (SMS, LMS) and messages through Kakao Talk.
Text: Charge per SMS/LMS sent
Social media: Charge per Kakao Info-talk sent
PU (Post Unit)
1 PU = $0.001
Kakao InfoTalk
Kakao CS Talk
7PU ($0.007)
80PU ($0.08)
10PU ($0.01)
28PU ($0.028)
PU applies when sending marketing text messages or Follow-up notifications.
You can recharge PU based on your usage, regardless of your plan.
No minimum or maximum monthly usage for PU. You can use as much as you want.
International (Global) Text Messaging
The charges for sending international SMS with Channel Talk are calculated as follows, depending on the length of the text.
North America: 14 PU per message sent + 14.5 PU per message segment
Japan: 14 PU per message sent + 109 PU per message segment
Global SMS - North America
28.5PU~ ($0.0285~)
Global SMS - Japan
123PU~ ($0.123~)
1 segment = 140byte (approximately 70 characters in KO/JA 160 characters in EN)
The character count includes the URL automatically added to the message.
If you integrate Twilio for global texting, you can send unlimited text messages, and you will be directly billed to your integrated Twilio account.