You can see workflows organized by triggers, along with their names, statuses, and other characteristics at a glance.
Filtering within Workflow lists will be available in the near future.
You can filter the list using status (draft, in progress, completed), trigger type, and type of Workflow (Exclusive, Non-Exclusive).
Additional Filters: You can sort the list using additional information such as:
Operating time, creation time, default bot profile, last modified by, and waiting time.
By clicking on the view settings, you can select the information you want to see in the list. Only the checked items will be displayed.
You can select one or multiple workflows to perform quick actions.
You can search for workflows based on their name
If the workflow action has an AI icon appear before the workflow name, this means this Workflow is being utilized by ALF.
You can check the status of workflows. The information displayed in the list is based on the content of drafts, active, and completed statuses.
Ongoing edits are not reflected in the list.
If an active workflow is being edited (active + edited status), the content in the active state is shown.
If a completed workflow is being edited (completed + edited status), the content in the completed state is shown.
If a workflow has the "Exclusive Action" nature, an icon will be displayed. (→ What is the type of workflows?)
You can view statistics such as the start and end of workflows.
Chat connection statistics are only provided for the trigger "when a new chat starts from the Channel Talk button." The numbers shown in chat connections represent the proportion of initial chat connections started by that workflow.
You can see the types of external messengers that can be used for a particular workflow.
Additionally, based on the selected items in the view settings, you can see the person who last modified it, operating time, modification and creation times, and the unique workflow ID.
Filtering settings by triggers are displayed below the workflow name, allowing you to check the filter settings directly from the list. (→ Learn more about Triggers)
You can adjust the priority by clicking and dragging the button to the left of the workflow.
The workflows at the top have higher priority.
The priority in the list determines the order in which workflows will operate within the same trigger.
Two main factors influence the behavior of workflows:
Nature of the Workflow (Exclusive, Non-Exclusive): The behavior varies based on this nature:
Exclusive: A workflow with this nature triggers only once under specific conditions. For example, it might respond to a customer query the first time it's asked and not again thereafter.
Non-Exclusive: This type of workflow triggers every time its conditions are met. For instance, it might generate an automatic response to every customer query during certain hours.
Priority based on Workflow list
The behavior of workflows can vary depending on their nature (Exclusive, Non-exclusive).
If a workflow includes actions visible to customers, such as sending messages or response buttons, it automatically becomes an 'Exclusive' type of workflow.
When an 'Exclusive' workflow is running, other workflows of the same type do not trigger.
If multiple 'Single Action' workflows were to run consecutively, conflicting messages could be sent to customers.
To ensure a smooth customer experience, 'Single Action' workflows operate independently without interference from other workflows of the same type.
If you see an icon in the list, it indicates a 'Single Action' workflow.
If multiple 'Single Action' workflows exist within the same trigger, only the highest priority workflow will execute.
Priorities are determined by the order they are listed in the workflow list. The workflow at the top has the highest priority.
Non-exclusive workflows will execute in the order they are sorted if their conditions are met.
These workflows typically involve background actions like tagging without being visible to customers, assigning agents, etc., allowing multiple workflows to execute concurrently.
When multiple exclusive workflows execute and perform the same action, the value set by the last executed workflow will overwrite or append to existing values.
For actions like assigning agents or teams, the last specified value will be saved.
For example, if there's a workflow that assigns "Mary" as the responsible person when a chat starts from the Channel Talk button, and another workflow assigns "Carol" when a manager sends a message,
When a chat starts, "Mary" will initially be assigned, and if later a manager sends a message, it will overwrite with "Carol." (All actions executed are logged, so don't worry about overwriting.)
Actions like adding followers, customer tags, or chat tags will continue to be added cumulatively.
Exclusive Action | Non-Exclusive Actions | |
1st Workflow | Assigns 'Marie' as the agent | Add 'Channel' as a chat tag |
2nd Workflow | Assigns 'Carol' as the agent | Add 'Talk' as a chat tag |
Result | Carol is the final agent assigned | 'Channel' and 'Talk' are both assigned as chat tags |
If an exclusive workflow and a non-exclusive workflow are triggered simultaneously, the exclusive workflow will execute first. This is to minimize the waiting time for customers while workflows are processed.
If an exclusive workflow 1) completes or 2) waits for customer action, the non-exclusive workflow will proceed at that point.
Workflow completes: This refers to steps marked as completed in the editor, where all actions within the step are executed and the workflow ends.
Waiting for customer action: This includes scenarios such as waiting for form submissions, response buttons, or customer messages.
While a non-exclusive workflow is executing and a customer completes an action or additional actions occur after the initial action, both workflows can proceed concurrently.
This behavior applies whether the workflows trigger from the same or different triggers.
What happens if triggers overlap?
Typically, triggers are designed with distinct stages in the chat journey, so overlapping triggers are uncommon. For instance, triggers like "when a chat is initiated" and "when a chat ends" have clearly separated timings.
However, triggers like "when a customer sends a message" and "when a chat is initiated" can overlap. In such cases, the trigger "when a customer sends a message" would activate first because it opens the chat by prompting the initial customer message.
Can one workflow trigger another through its actions?
Certain actions can trigger workflows with a non-exclusive nature, provided the preceding workflow has either completed or is waiting for customer action to proceed.
Open Chat Action
If a workflow triggered by "when a new chat starts from Channel Talk button" includes an action to open a chat, it can trigger another workflow set to trigger "when a chat is initiated."
AI Agent (ALF) Response, Customer Response Action
If a workflow triggered by "when a customer sends a message" has the "include action response" setting enabled, it can trigger another workflow set to trigger "when a customer sends a message."
If the trigger "when a customer sends a message" is an exclusive , it behaves as described earlier: either when the workflow completes or waits for customer action, the Always Active workflow proceeds.
If the trigger "when a customer sends a message" is Always Active, both workflows proceed concurrently when a customer sends a message.