User Guide


How Subscription Works

Get a paid plan suitable for your business size.

Channel Talk's subscription plans are based on the plan subscribed and usage. Your subscription begins when you select a plan based on your business size and make a first payment.

You can add more amount of seats and add-on usage that you need in two ways:

  • Postpaid billing

  • Prepaid for usage

You can combine these with your preferred payment method. Please see more details and examples below.

Each plan comes with a certain amount of seats and MU usage and is available as a monthly or yearly subscription.

Early Stage has a maximum usage limit even with additional usage. If your usage exceeds the limit, please upgrade to the Growth Plan. There are no usage limits for Growth and Enterprise plans.

If you're a business with more than $10M in annual revenue, you should subscribe to the Enterprise plan. If you subscribe to a plan that doesn't fit your situation, you may be limited in using Channel Talk.

Monthly Subscription:

  • You'll pay the base cost of your plan on the billing date every month

  • Any usage that exceeds the usage included in the plan will be billed the next month

    • Example case:

      • Overusage in January will be paid in February

      • February payment = February plan cost + January over usage

Yearly Subscription

  • Yearly subscriptions are offered at a 25% discount over monthly subscriptions

  • The 12 months for the plan's base cost is paid at once

  • Any over-usage during the subscription period will be billed postpaid each month separately from your plan cost

MU, seats, and add-ons are billed as you exceed the limit of your plan. You can prepay for your usage or can be billed postpaid. The rates are reduced by usage range, allowing you to save more if you use more.

MU (Managed Users)

  • If you use over the amount your plan includes, you'll be charged by usage range.

  • The higher the number of stored customer profiles, the lower the unit price

  • Example

    • If you saved an additional 3,000 MUs in your growth plan (for a total of 6,000 MUs)

      1,000 users X $0.03 = $30.00

      2,000 users X $0.02 = $40.00

      The total additional cost is $70.00, which is the unit price per tier as shown above.


  • Basic seats: for all managers who participate in your channel

    • What’s available: using team messenger, reviewing conversation histories and customer profiles, joining conversations as a follower

  • Operator seats: for managers who directly handle customer conversation and related data

    • A manager is required to already have a basic seat to add an operator seat.

    • What’s available: Being an assignee of conversations and utilizing related functions (→ Learn more about Operator seats)


  • Usage of Support bot is counted by activations per month

  • Usage of Automation rules are counted by actions per month

  • Marketing messages are counted by messages sent per month

Postpaid Bill

  • For MU and seats: calculate based on usage over the plan’s limit

  • For add-ons: calculate at a tiered unit price based on the number of actions/activations

  • Current usage checking is available in [Billing] → [Subscription].

Prepaid Usage

  • You can purchase a 12-month usage for MU, seats, and each add-on

  • A 25% discount is applied for prepaid usage (the cost of sending SMS is not included)

  • Prepaid usage has the monthly minimum/maximum usage limits and you can use them within the limit range.

(→ Learn more about Prepaid Usage)

Manual Limits

  • You can forecast your usage and set a limit for each feature in advance

  • Manual limits can be changed or deleted at any time, so we recommend adjusting them in advance if you have a plan to use more than the limit.

You can combine monthly/yearly subscriptions and postpaid/prepaid usage to suit your business situation.

  • Example case:

    • You want to use a yearly plan with Support bot only, but you will need to use the marketing feature in June.

    → You can design your subscription as the yearly plan plus prepaid Support bot usage, and later in July you will get a postpaid bill for marketing usage used in June.

  1. Go to [Channel settings] → [Billing] → [Subscription] → [Change subscription]

  1. Select [Monthly] or [Yearly], the plan you would like to use, and click [Change subscription]

  1. Check the calculation for the amount of changes and click [Confirm]. If you don’t have any payment method registered, a registration request may appear.

  1. After changing the plan, you can set a manual usage limit or prepay for usage.