User Guide


Support Bot Form

Acquire potential customers via the website's support bot form, and save their information in the Contacts for streamlined data management.

  • With Channel Talk’s support bot form, you can obtain customer information and store it in your Contacts for future CRM marketing such as product recommendations based on their needs or offering discount coupons to increase retention rate.

  • This means Support Bot Forms are a powerful way to acquire leads, which are the key to business success.

  1. Go to [Operation] - [Support Bot] and click on the Support Bot you wish to add a Form to.

    • If you want to add a support bot form to an existing support bot: Click the corresponding support bot and click the [Edit] button.

    • If you are creating a new support bot with the support bot form: Click the [Create a Support Bot] button.

  2. Click the [Forms] button at the stage where you want to add the support bot form.

    • You can add up to 4 questions per form.

  • Question: Type the question you would like to ask your customer.

  • Required:

    • Opt-in: The customer can only proceed to the next step after answering the question.

    • Opt-out: The customer can proceed to the next step without answering that particular question.

    • Questions with the opt-in required button will be marked with * at the end of the question.

  • You can save the customer's answer to the customer profile. You can then later view this information within Contacts.

  • Please select the customer profile information (data key) from the correct profile data key that matches the question and answer. (→Learn more about how to create customer profile information)

    • Example) If you wish to gather the customer's skin tone information, create a "Skin Tone" customer profile information and link it to your Support Bot Form.

    • If you do not wish to save the customers' answer to your customer profile, select "Do not save". However, if you do not save the answer, you will not be able to see the information in Contacts in the future.

    • The selectable question types vary depending on the data type.

      Data type

      Question type

      Boolean (Yes / No)

      Single radio button

      String (Text)

      Single radio button, Single select drop-down, Text

      Number (Number)

      Single radio button, Single select drop-down, Text

      Date (Date)

      Single radio button, Single select drop-down, Calendar

      DateTime (Date / Time)

      Date and time calendar, Single radio button, Single select drop-down

      List (Text & multiple selections)

      Checkbox, Multi-select drop-down

    When linking the form to your customer profile information, the data key for the customer profile and contacts needs to be the same to save the received data.

    • If the data key and type do not match the customer profile information, it will not be updated on the Contacts tab.

    • You can check the data key and data type by visiting [Channel settings] - [General] - [Customer profile data].

    • Choose the appropriate format for your question type.

      • Radio buttons: Set up to 4 options

      • Dropdown: Set up to 10 dropdowns

    [ image ]

    • Once you've set the question format, click Save to finish creating your Support Bot form.

    • You can now notify the your team through the Team chat to review the support bot form information submitted.

    • After receiving the form submission notification, you can click the user chat link to start a conversation with the user right away.

    1. Create a group chat where you want to send a notification.

      • How to set: [Team chat] - [Public group] - [+ Button] - [+ create new group]

    1. Set the [Action] in the Support bot.

    • How to set: [Operation] - [Support bot] - [Support bot step] - [Action] - [Send message to Team chat]

    1. Select a public group chat you want to send notifications for. You can type in a custome message to send along with the chat URL, and you are done.

    1. When a customer clicks the [Submit] button after entering information in the Support bot form, a notification will be sent to the assigned group chat.(You can only review the information once it’s submitted )

    After sending a form to a customer, you can collect and download all the information entered by the customer at once. The form results are available for download in the published support bot.




    Unique ID of a Support Bot


    An ID that is assigned each time the supportbot is modified and republished.


    Sequence of steps for each SupportBot


    Unique ID of a User


    Timestamp of when the Support Bot was saved


    Data values stored in customer profiles


    Support Bot Form Questions


    Support Bot Form Answer

    I set up a Support Bot Form to get the required customer information, but it's not saving.

    Please check that the:

    1. the relevant information is required for the customer to enter and

    2. the data key and type of the customer information data match, multiple selected values are saved in the Contacts.

    If I set a question format to have multiple selections, will they all be reflected in the customer contact?

    When setting up a Support Bot form, all values selected will be reflected and stored in the customer database as long as 1) the question is marked as required and 2) the data key and type of the customer information data match.

    Where can I find the information I've collected and how can I use it?When you ask for information through a support bot form, you can choose whether to save it to your customer's profile or not. If you choose to save it to your customer's profile, you can view the collected customer information through the support bot form in your Channel Talk customer contacts.

    Can I differentiate between people who respond to my support bot form with separate tags?

    You can add [Chat Tag] through [Action] for each stage of the Support bot. Even if the customer does not start the consultation after submitting the support bot form, the assigned chat tag for the support bot will be added. By setting this, you can distinguish which lead(new customer contacts) was obtained from which support bot.

    Will the values entered in the previous steps of form be saved if the customer leaves without hitting save?

    If the customer does not click the [Submit] button, the information is not saved in the Contacts.

    Are there any privacy issues with asking customers for too much information?

    Channel Talk is a consignment operator in a consignment business relationship with a customer. Even if customer information is collected through the Support bot form, the terms and conditions for the use of customer information are not displayed in the Support bot because the subject who actually uses the information is the [Client]. In relation to the collection and use of personal information, if there is a site membership agreement or a notice on the site, we recommend that you add a Channel Talk-related item to the relevant agreement.

    We recommend you obtain consent directly by providing a guide and a checkbox for consent through the Support bot form function. If you need a consignment contract, you can proceed with the contract through electronic signature.