User Guide


User Tags

The foundation of customer relationship management is segmenting your customers. Channel Talk provides a powerful user tag feature along with a customer database that helps businesses categorize customers and provide them with personalized experiences.

Please note that a few special characters will not be supported.

  • .

  • $

  • /

  • Spaces

Utilizing user tags lets your team be able to manage and analyze customer segments with their interests and characteristics stored in customer profile data to personalize the customer experience

  • One customer can have up to 20 user tags.

  • One tag can have 2 more steps of sub-tags, enabling convenient information management.

  • If you are on a paid plan, you are able to

    • select multiple customers in Contacts and add a new user tag at one time.

    • view the number of customers by each tag on your left panel in Contact, and edit user tags that are on the customers’ profiles.

    • view the list of user tags as well as the number of customers by each tag in User Tag Settings, and manage user tags.

    • create, add, or edit a user tag on each customer profile.

  • If you are subscribing Operation features, you are able to

    • automatically add user tags on customers who start user chat conversations by Automation rules.

  • If you are subscribing Support bot features, you are able to

    • automatically add user tags on customers who interact with Support bot by Support bot actions.

  • If you are subscribing Marketing features, you are able to

    • filter customers who have specific user tags in Contacnts, and send them outbound marketing messages at one time. → (Learn more about Advanced search in Contacts)

  • The number of user tags created is limited to less than 1,000.

Create in the Left Side Panel (in the Feature Menu)

  • Go to [Contacts] → [User Tag Settings] and manage user tags.

    • How the logic applied for user tags

      1. The user tag list in Contacts is in alphabetical order.

      2. User tags are case-insensitive. (A is the same as a)

      3. User tags only show the last step tags when they appear in customer profile data.

      4. Up to 20 user tags can be added to one customer.

Create in Contacts or Customer Profile

  1. Go to [Contacts] → [Create a new user tag] in the left panel

  2. Go to an individual customer profile → directly create a new user tag in the user tag data column.

User Tag Settings

  • By inserting “/” between keywords, you can categorize user tags into up to 3 steps.

    • e.g. New/Pants/Large VIP/Purchase/Over100

  • Use different colors for different tag categories.

    • e.g. Fit and size information for yellow, customer levels for Red

  • Have descriptions for each user tag to indicate when and when to use this tag.

  • From User Tag Settings, you can select a particular user tag and apply the action to automatically switch to Contacts and search for customers who have that user tag.

When you review the exact number of customers who have tags, these logics apply:

  • Folded list with ‘>’, the number includes all customers with sub-tags. (all)

  • Extended list with ‘#’, the number only shows the customers who have a particular tag. (exact match)

  • You can send Marketing one-time messages to customers with the same user tags, directly from User Chat Settings.

  • Available to create a customer segment by user tags, which can be used to quickly review customers’ lists with a particular tag or set them as Marketing message audiences. (→Learn more about marketing features)

  • Create segments: Group and manage customers with selected tags.

  • Create segments to see a list of customers with specific tags, or import them as a target audience group when setting up marketing messages. ( → Learn more about segments)

  • Click the ellipsis icon to edit user tags’ names, colors, or descriptions.

  • Only one user tag can be edited at one time, and if you edit the name of 1st step tag, all the sub-tag names will be changed together.

  • Editing user tags from the list doesn't affect the user tags already added to customer profiles. You can change user tags on the customer profile data all at once after editing user tags and storing them.

  • Separate tags can be merged from one to another. This merging works in one way. If the original tag has sub-tags, they are included in this merging.

    • e.g. You can merge tag A to tag B. You cannot merge tags A and B to create a new tag C.

  • Once you merge two user tags, you can move on to changing user tags in the customer profile data by deleting and adding them in bulk.

  • User tags can be removed from the list. If you delete the 1st step tags, all sub-tags are removed together.

  • Once you remove the user tag from the list, you can also remove user tags from customer profile data by deleting them in bulk.

User tags are versatile - you can use them to easily pull out a group of customers with the same conditions, and take actions to them(e.g. apply different chatbot experiences, send different outbound messages).

You can set up customer tags separately, like in the example below.

If you're a E-commerce platform,

  • Customer segmentation - VIP, VVIP, Insiders, Black customers, ...

  • Request restocking notification - Product name/option name, ...

  • Purchase Channel - Home Page, Sephora, Amazon, ...

If you're a travel agency,

  • Travel Destinations - Continent/Country/City, ...

  • Travel Class - Economy, Business, First-Class, ...

Adding a customer description profile

User tags vs. User descriptions

  • You can use up to 249 characters for a user tag name. If you need longer texts than 249 characters, use customer description with a note field for detailed information records. (→ Learn more about the user profile)

Utilize the user description field for information that you need to share with other staff members

I deleted a user tag. But it appears in the list again.

If any of the automation rules or Support bot actions use the deleted user tags, those tags will be regenerated when the automation rules or actions take place. Make sure to remove all automated actions before deleting the user tag.

How can I change a particular user tag already attached to a group of customers from one to another?

  • From the User Tag Settings

    1. Edit the user tag names in the list

    2. Accept to change the user tag on current customer profiles

  • From the Contacts

    1. Search customers who have the original user tag in their profile data by using Advanced Search in Contacts (matched with any of the options on the list.

    2. Select customers you need to change user tags.

    3. Select the user tag setting, uncheck the original tag, and add or select different user tags.

How many user tags can I make?

You can create up to 1,000 customer tags in total, and you can attach up to 20 chat tags to a customer.

What happens if I have more than 20 tags entered by using an automation rule?

Only the first 20 tags set run are shown.

When I rename a parent tag, all of its sub-tags are renamed.

When you rename a parent tag, the sub-tags tags are renamed as well. However, renaming a tag in the list does not modify tags that are attached to existing customers.

Deleting a parent tag deletes all sub-tags.

Deleting a parent tag will delete all of its sub-tags. However, deleting a tag from the list does not delete tags that are already tagged on existing customers.